Mann mit Brille beim Rückwärtsfahren


You’ll find the most important services here.

  • Overview
  • Service partner search
  • Damage claims
  • Fuel/charging card
  • Reimbursement of cash expenses
Contact usimage of contact

Service partner search

Do you have a concern regarding your vehicle and need a service partner, dealer or garage that can perform a service or similar for you? Then use the service partner search to find the most suitable partner in your area.

Find a partner

Damage claims

Is your vehicle damaged? Or do you need the breakdown service? Then we’ll be glad to help and take care of everything for you. To report the damage, please use the Alphabet app, the claim form or the phone hotline on +41 800 818 418.

Find out more
Accident management by alphabet

Fuel/charging card

Do you need a new PIN for your fuel/charging card? Or do you want us to block your card, as you’ve lost it? Then please use our dedicated request form.

Form for card replacement/blocking
Mann sitzt am Steuer

Reimbursement of cash expenses

Have you had to pay vehicle costs yourself as an exception? If these costs are covered by your agreement, you can simply submit them to Alphabet, and we will reimburse you with no hassle. You can do this either via the Alphabet app or by submitting a reimbursement request.

Find out more

Any questions?

We are happy to help! You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

For customers
+41 58 269 65 67

For dealers/service partners
+41 58 269 67 54 (vehicle orders, vehicle deliveries) (service, repairs, wheels & tyres)

Contact us now
Frau mit Headset