Alphabet App

Alphabet app

Your digital companion for all services

  • Overview
  • Benfits
  • Find service partners
  • Reclaims
  • Download
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Help is always at hand

The Alphabet app is another step towards the mobility of tomorrow. Once installed on your smartphone, the app will support you with a range of useful features and smart solutions – both for business and private use. Now free to download from the iOS or Android app store.


  • image of checkFilledService partner search with GPS navigation: petrol and charging stations, tyre and service partners
  • image of checkFilledSubmitting claims reports
  • image of checkFilledReclaiming cash expenses
  • image of checkFilledRapid access to lease agreement details

Claims reports

In the event of a claim, the Alphabet app gives you direct access to the Alphabet service hotline and enables you to report your claim directly via the app. You can count on round-the-clock support from a competent contact person, and there’s an FAQ section that provides detailed answers to many of the questions you may have.


Find service partners

The app also helps you to quickly find nearby service partners – such as garages, petrol stations and charging stations – when the need arises. In addition, you can access the details of your lease quickly and directly, should you need to consult them.

Mann mit Smartphone

Reclaiming expenses

You can use the app to easily and digitally submit and reclaim cash expenses for various services, fuel or charging, for example. This means you can even do this while travelling, using your smartphone and its camera function – saving you both time and paper.

Woman with smartphone next to her car

How do I get started with the app?

The Alphabet app is free of charge and compatible with common operating systems; it can be downloaded from the usual app stores. When you open it for the first time, you will be guided easily and conveniently through all of the features. You will then be required to verify your email address and add your Alphabet leasing agreement in order to see the details of your vehicle and your current lease.

image of downloadgeneral

Alphabet app for iOS

Any questions?

We are happy to help! You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday between 8.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.

For customers
+41 58 269 65 67

For dealers/service partners
+41 58 269 67 54 (vehicle orders, vehicle deliveries) (service, repairs, wheels & tyres)

Contact us now
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