Calculate your BIK for 2024
Want to calculate the BIK of your company vehicle? Give our calculator a go!
Do you have a company vehicle you can use privately? Then your vehicle is seen as a Benefit In Kind (BIK). That BIK is added to your (gross) professional income and is a benefit you need to pay tax for.
Want to calculate the BIK of your company vehicle? Give our calculator a go!
How is the BIK calculated?
The BIK is calculated based on 4 values:
- the catalogue price of the vehicle
- the CO₂ percentage
- the coefficient 6/7
- the age percentage
1. The catalogue price
The catalogue price is always calculated INCLUDING the actual VAT you pay, all options and accessories, EXCLUDING discount.
2. CO₂ rate
The CO₂ rate is calculated based on the CO₂ emission of the vehicle.
- For electric vehicles, there’s always a base rate of 4%.
- For Diesel vehicles, there’s a base rate of 5.5% for a CO₂ emission of 65 g/km.
- For petrol, LPG and CNG vehicles, there’s a base rate of 5.5% for a CO₂ emission of 78 g/km.
The CO₂ rate is calculated by subtracting the reference values for Diesel or petrol from the vehicle’s CO₂ emissions.
For Diesel, petrol, LPG and CNG vehicles, 0.1% is added for every extra g/km and 0.1% is subtracted for every g/km less. The maximum CO₂ rate is 18%. The minimum CO₂ rate is 4%, like for cars whose calculations have a negative value, for instance.
Do note that the government adjusts the reference values for CO₂ emissions every year. For 2024, they are 65gr/km for Diesel vehicles and 78gr/km for petrol vehicles. The reference values are based on the average emissions of the newly registered vehicles from the past year. Because these values will keep decreasing annually, chances are your BIK will increase.
3. Coefficient 6/7
The catalogue price is multiplied by the CO₂ rate. Afterwards, the amount is multiplied by the coefficient 6/7. That’s because 6/7 of the BIK amount is the employee’s responsibility and 1/7 is the employer’s responsibility.
4. Age percentage
The final number in the calculation is the age percentage. This percentage takes the amount of time that’s passed since the vehicle’s registration into account. Every year, the percentage goes down by 6%. The maximum decrease is 30%. The age percentage needs to be considered for new vehicles (0-12 months old).

This information is brought to you by Alphabet, which relies on its experience as an operational leasing company. Alphabet aims to present this information as accurately and completely as possible, without being able to offer any guarantees. The provided information is but a general guideline and cannot be regarded as professional, financial, fiscal or legal advice. Alphabet cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from decisions made based on this information. The CO₂ value isn’t set until the leasing vehicle is registered. Because of the new WLTP testing procedure, which takes options into account and applies stricter testing requirements, the CO₂ value can vary. Any alterations of the CO₂ value can have an impact on, for instance, the leasing rate, tax deductibility, CO₂ fee and the benefit in kind. Alphabet cannot be held liable for any damage, loss or cost caused by the altered CO₂ value, changed fuel prices or modified (fiscal) legislation.
Example of the calculation of the BIK fee

A benefit in kind, like a company vehicle, is a benefit granted to the employee or business manager by the employer. Benefits in kind are considered part of the professional income, which means they are taxable.
The minimum BIK which you will be taxed for in the 2023 income year, is € 1,540. This amount is indexed annually.
If you contribute to the costs of your company vehicle or reimburse a part of the cost of your company vehicle, this is considered a personal contribution. That personal contribution can be deducted from the amount of the benefit in kind.