Replacement car
Accident, damage or theft
As soon as we have your form and as soon as you have taken your car in to the repairer’s, a replacement car will be arranged (provided this has been agreed with your employer under the terms of the contract). You can use the replacement car for the entire duration of the repair. In the event of theft, you will be given a replacement car for a month.
For repairs set to take longer than 24 hours, Alphabet Rent can arrange a replacement car (unless specified otherwise in the terms of the contract). If you decide to hire a replacement car without permission, the cost will be passed on to your employer. If you are using a replacement car over a protracted period of time, please make sure you act in compliance with the rules on maintenance and repair.
Car breakdown
During the repairs, a replacement car will be made available free of charge for a maximum of 5 consecutive days.
If you have an Alphabet Fuel Pass, you can continue to use the pass for the replacement car.
Sign off your replacement car
Please make sure to sign off your replacement car at all times by getting in touch with our Driver Center department at drivercenter@alphabet.be or via Fleet Agent.