RAC issues breakdown and travel advice to drivers as further extremely hot weather is forecast
RAC Breakdown spokesman Simon Williams said: "As we're about to endure another period of extreme hot weather, we're urging drivers to ensure their cars are as ready as possible for the high temperatures. Breakdowns increase in heatwave conditions, so drivers should try to minimise the risk by checking their car's coolant is between the minimum and maximum markers. They should also check the oil is at the right level and inspect tyres to make sure they are good condition and properly inflated. Screen wash should be well topped up to keep windscreens free from flies and other summer dirt.
"Drivers should carry plenty of water, melt-proof snacks, a hat or an umbrella for shade, sun block and a fully charged mobile phone in case of an unexpected breakdown. Being stuck at the side of a road in these extreme temperatures without shade or protection could be very dangerous.
"With the ground tinder dry in many parts of England the risk of wildfires is high, so it's vital drivers taking advantage of the good weather don't leave behind litter or illegally throw cigarettes, or other high-risk rubbish, out of their vehicles otherwise there could be serious consequences."
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