
Microsite Alphabet Partner Home

  • Overview
  • Credit Management Information
  • Consumer Duty Information
  • Communication and Procedures
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Useful links
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Welcome to Alphabet Partner

We provide access to a range of products and services for cars (petrol, diesel, hybrid or electric) and light commercial vehicles, through you, our exclusive group of elite brokers.  

Our Alphabet Partner ethos is built on three core pillars: 

  • Service Experience
  • Exclusivity
  • A True Partnership
image of newsletter

Preferred Dealer Network 2023

The password to access this document is the same as the microsite log-in password.

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Alphabet Partner Contacts and Guidance Guide

Credit Management Information

This section of your microsite contains all the information you need regarding our Credit Management processes. 

Click to find out more
Man smiling holding a smartphone

Consumer Duty Information

Click here to view everything you need to know about Consumer Duty and what it means for you

Click here to find out more
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Communications and Procedures

This section of your microsite contains all the communications and operational procedures we update you on. 

Click here to find out more

Frequently Asked Questions

Click to view our most frequently asked questions

Click to read

Useful links

Guides Alphabet

BIK Tax Calculator

Click here to find out more