Microsite Alphabet Partner: Communications

Operational Procedures

Here you will find operational procedures and guides from your Alphabet Partner Team

bmw alphabet

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We would like to remind you of our position regarding the charging of fees for regulated customers, in line with Consumer Duty.

Charging of fees to regulated customers where we have paid you a commission:

As we are paying you a commission for introducing customers to us, you are not permitted to charge the customer any fees for the introduction or any other services covered by our commission.

This also applies to commission paid for vehicle extensions. As we pay a commission for this service, it is our expectation that no additional fees should be charged to the customer.

If you have any questions regarding this communication, please contact your Regional Manager as your first point of reference.

Thank you for your continued support.

Hollie Crumlish
Head of Alphabet Partner

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We have recently observed a concerning trend regarding the handling of quotes towards the end of Q1. Several quotes were generated and subsequently reused via the duplicate quote functionality, to maintain Q1 pricing. This practice is not in line with our agreed-upon standards. Therefore, we wish to formally define the following operational procedure regarding the misuse of the duplicate function in icon. This procedure is effective as of 23rd April 2024 onwards.

  1. Batches of quotes are not to be run and duplicated without Alphabet’s permission.
  2. Partners found to be generating batches of quotes without a specific end user to secure 28-day quote validity on previous quarter pricing will have their quotes invalidated.
  3. Quotes progressed to the Proposal stage will require re-quoting and re-proposing. Failure to comply may result in any residual value losses being transferred to the Partner.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and your cooperation in adhering to the outlined procedure.

Kind regards,
Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

The default VED rates for 2024 are now loaded into Icon. If you have a vehicle scheduled for registration and delivery before April 6th 2024, kindly choose the 2023 VED rates from the drop-down menu available in the cost breakdown tab.

We will not be passing on the VED increase for differences on proposals submitted prior to the 6th April 2024. We will support this up until 5th September 2024, at which point the vehicle will need to be re-quoted.

Should you have any inquiries, please reach out to your RDM as the first point of contact.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Kind regards
Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Occasionally when our Credit team are reviewing applications, they are unable to identify the UBO(s)/PSC(s) of the company. By law Alphabet are required to validate these details prior to continuing the application journey.

The request for this will be made via the Kanban notifications on individual cases. When you are asked for this information, please provide the form attached (this can be downloaded from the Microsite), making sure all details are completed and the form is signed by an authorised signatory.

Please return the form to SME Credit Management SMECreditManagement@alphabet.co.uk, with the following subject line:

UBO/ < Proposal Number > / < Proposed Business Name >

Please ensure you do not upload this to ICON or resubmit the proposal.

Please ensure that no further action is taken on this proposal until we have completed the UBO Identification task. This includes generating legal documents for signature. We will notify you once the process is complete.

Please follow these instructions to avoid any delays to underwriting decisions.

If you have any questions regarding this communication, please speak to your Regional Manager in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We are proactively implementing measures to meet our service level agreement for underwriting. Your support in this effort is crucial, and you can contribute by reviewing the accuracy of your proposals and providing any necessary additional information at first submission.

We often see the same proposal re-entering the queue, contributing significantly to the delays experienced in our processing timelines.

To address this issue, we want to highlight the following best practices that should be observed before submitting a proposal for the first time. Adhering to the below will enable our underwriters to thoroughly assess the application and potentially minimise additional information requests.

Application information to be provided:

  • Latest draft or management accounts. These must be the full version ( inc. P&L and Balance Sheet).

Alphabet require up to date financials and accounts must be dated within the past 18 months.

  • Directors personal guarantee (please consider lend amount and strength of business and offer where applicable)
  • Last 3 Months business bank statements.
  • Proof of ID.
  • Proof of address for both business and director.
  • For Sole Traders, please provide the customer’s latest tax return (SA100 inc. SA103), in the proposed customer’s name.
  • For Partnerships, please provide the customer’s latest partnership tax return (SA800), in the proposed customer’s name.

It's important to note that, for business applications our underwriters evaluate the lend based on the strength of the business rather than focusing on the individuals named on the application. If you believe in the financial strength of the individuals involved, we encourage discussing the option of a director’s personal guarantee to support the business application. The inclusion of a director’s personal guarantor may prevent the need for a decline appeal.

Ensuring the accuracy of personal data, such as date of birth, email, and phone number, is vital to avoid application referrals. Please verify the correctness of these details. Use an email address specific to the signatory. In cases where the information on the application differs from Companies House or other records, be prepared to provide proof of the correct information.

Additionally, please be aware that our underwriters follow a queue system for fairness in processing. While we appreciate the importance of certain cases, requests for priority consideration will only be entertained in exceptional circumstances.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to enhance the efficiency of our underwriting processes.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

Happy New Year to you all!

This guide provides advice on possible scenarios which prevent a customer from signing online. 

Customer is not receiving the esign invitation email

  • Please ensure the email address captured in the application is correct.
  • Please ask the customer to check their junk/spam folders. The email is sent from alphabetdocs@alphabet.co.uk
  • If the customer has not received the email, you can resend the link by using the pull/push functionality. Please ensure the customer uses the most recent link received as previous links will become invalid when a new invitation is sent.
  • If the link is still not received, please provide an alternative email address for the customer and contact the Support Team who will update the proposal and prioritise the changes.
  • If all the above has been attempted, please follow the bypass process.

Customer is seeing ‘Invalid Link’

  • Please ensure customer is using the link sent on the most recent email – check the date/time that the last email was pushed.

Customer has signed but this has not fed back into Icon

  • If there are 2 signers on the proposal, both must have signed before the proposal will move to esign success – you can copy and paste the URL that appears in the kanban notes into a browser to check if there are signatures on the agreement.
  • Customer must make sure they are using the most recent link – any old link will not feed back into icon
  • If the proposal has moved back to ‘refer’ after documents were sent, the customer will need to resign as this restarts the journey.

Service Temporarily Unavailable

  • If the same email has been used for both signers on the proposal icon will give a ‘Service Temporarily Unavailable’ message. Each person must have an individual email address.

Authentication Fail / Gone for Manual Review

  • Some of the main reason for failures are:
  • Photo of a scan of the ID is being used rather than photo of the original
  • Photo is not clear enough/information is missing.
  • DOB is incorrect.
  • Names do not match.

Please ensure all of the above is checked to rule out, then contact the Partner support team if required. 

The agreement is ‘stuck’ and the customer cannot click to sign/move forward

  • This is likely to be an error on the customer’s end, maybe with their browser or device.
  • Ask customer to refresh or re-attempt in a new session.
  • The advice we have from scrive is:

    1. Try again while using the incognito/private mode in your browser 

    2. Try again using another web browser (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome) 

    3. If possible, try using another device in order to rule out any local setting that could create the issue 

    4. Try again while using another network/internet connection. Firewalls implemented in some networks might block our signing services.

Customer rejected document

  • If the customer rejected the agreement in error this can be pulled/pushed to the customer again for them to sign

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

We would like to bring to your attention that our eSign ceremony has a new process for creating eSign events for the signatories.

Whenever the eSign invitation is pulled or pushed a completely new link is created, meaning any previous links will be invalid and should not be used.

If for any reason you pull the documents and then re-push them to the eSign service, both signatories will need to sign the new document, even if one of the signatories had previously completed the eSign ceremony.

With this in mind, we recommend that you inform your customer to check their inbox and spam filters, before pulling and pushing documents to trigger new emails, which should avoid duplication of the eSign requirement.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Alphabet Partner Team


Dear Alphabet Partner

We are thrilled to confirm that Finance Lease for Regulated customers is now live in icon.

This can be quoted in the normal way under the existing Finance Lease product. You will now see Sole Trader and Small Partnerships within the customer selection.

The product has been reviewed in full to ensure it meets the needs of the target market and launches with fixed commission.

The product pricing and features mirror that of the unregulated offering. RFL is included for the full lease and sales proceeds remain at 1%.

Over the coming weeks your Regional Development Manager will provide training regarding the product features and below operational procedure.

Operational Procedure for Regulated Finance Lease:

It is Alphabet’s expectation that you document the customer’s end of contract intention as part of your affordability assessment.

This should be documented as part of the Demands and Needs Statement.

Alphabet will only underwrite proposals from Partners’ where the regulated customer’s intention is to settle the contract, pay their balloon and sell to a third party.

It is our expectation that you evidence this when asked and it will form part of the requirements for deal file validation back testing.

We have created a suite of training materials which can be found on our Microsite.

Please contact your Regional Development Manager should you have any questions regarding this communication.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We are writing to confirm that your fixed commission structure is live in icon for Personal Contract Hire.

Updates will continue to take place over the next 24 hours, with the structures being loaded to Regulated Contract Hire.

Please note, when quoting Sole Traders or Small Partnerships you will need to use the product ‘Contract Hire Regulated’ from the drop down list.

All changes are due to be live in line with the Consumer Duty effective date of 31st July.

If you have any questions in relation to this communication, please speak to your Regional Manager in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

Please see an update below to the Operational Procedure outlined in the attached communication.

Please be advised we no longer require you to update the EDD once documents are signed. However, we do require you to keep the EDD accurate with a future date. Please note if you do not update your expected delivery dates (EDD) in icon, any orders that have an EDD over 90 days in the past will no longer be counted as an order.

Please be aware that if any orders that no longer appear as an order will be subject to residual values and cost of money at the point of set live.


Please update any estimated delivery dates that are in the past. This should be an on-going practice.

If you have any questions with regards to the above communication, in the first instance please contact your RDM.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Partner,

We are writing to confirm our position regarding commission on regulated hire & leasing agreements in line with Consumer Duty, which will be effective for new business from 31st July this year onwards.

The following communication will outline our approach and expectation of you our Partners, who are the distributers of our financial products.

We will be moving to a fixed commission model for regulated customers. The total commission value will be inclusive of Scheme and CCR. These can be set at either a £ or % value, or combination of the two. At this stage, we require your feedback on the level of commission which would align with your own analysis of fair value. Please discuss your outline plan with your Regional Manager by Friday 23rd June 2023.

Once we have received all Partner feedback, we will communicate which level/model we will apply for your business. All our Partners operate very differently, and we are keen to accommodate a commission structure which works for you. However, to avoid complications relating to potential co-manufacturing, we would like to remind you that the final decision rests with us.

Once in place, we will operate your commission structure for a quarter. Part of your ongoing relationship with your Regional Manager will be to review this and set the next quarter’s commission.

Our plan is to enable you to have a structure that aligns with your definition of fair value. It is our expectation that this value is applied fairly across your funder panel. We will be unable to allow commission levels that are materially different from other funders. Please be advised our sales incentives are aimed at lowering customer rentals. Maintenance commission will continue to be paid at the current fixed amount.

Lastly, with regards to your charging of fees to regulated customers where we have paid you commission: As we are paying you a commission for introducing the customer to us, you cannot charge the customer a fee for the introduction or for any other service covered by our commission.

If you have any questions in relation to this communication, please speak to your Regional Manager in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Richard Chadwick

Head of Indirect Sales

As part of our commitment to providing you with the highest levels of service, we are writing to let you know that we are making changes to the way we action your fines.

From the end of June, Alphabet are looking to transfer liability of all fines where possible, to allow our customers the full opportunity to pay or appeal any potential fines received directly with the issuing authority.

Please note that there are some Notices for which we are unable to transfer liability. These include Congestion Charging Notices, Railway Byelaw Notices, some Private Parking Operators, London Bus Lane fines and Toll Charges. 

In the event that we cannot transfer liability, Alphabet will make the payment on your behalf and will recharge the fine amount, in addition to an administration fee, to you. Our standard administration fee remains at £14.40 (inc. VAT) and is applied to any fine or notice received and processed.

What does this mean for me?

This means that if we receive a fine for your vehicle, we'll provide the address and name we hold on the system to the issuing authority, so they can liaise with your directly. Please note, it's your responsibility to ensure Alphabet holds your current address on file. If you need to amend your address, please send this to vehicleadmin@alphabet.com quoting your new address and registration number.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes please make contact with us using the contact details below.



Tel: 0370 0120 334

Dear Alphabet Partner

Capital Balance Invoices

As of 7th April 2023, we will no longer accept capital balance invoices. Anything that is received after this date where the quote and invoice do not match will be rejected and require a re-quote. Please be aware that re-quotes will be subject to a fresh credit check. Therefore, it is imperative to get the quote correct the first time.

Supplementary Invoices

For vehicles that have non factory items fitted or have vehicle conversions, we require an original supplying invoice showing the equipment fitted with a breakdown of prices. Supporting documentation is not required for ply-lining. Please be reminded that all commercial vehicles must have ply fitted. 

Your invoice to us must show all options and these must be clearly listed in your icon quote via the DFA tab (this includes breakdowns for conversions).

If the invoice does not meet this criteria, the invoice will be rejected, and a re-quote will be required. Alphabet reserve the right to refuse pay out until a satisfactory supplementary invoice is provided.

In-life vehicle adaptations

Any in-life vehicle adaptations need to be pre-approved by Alphabet and notification and approval must be sent to driver.services@alphabet.co.uk. Any equipment that carries a warranty needs to be identified to Alphabet via the same address.

Proof of entitlement change

Some of our Partners purchase vehicles directly from dealers before handing the vehicle over to the customer. If you operate this policy, then Alphabet requires:

A receipted copy of the invoice from the supplying dealer to show payment in full. A copy of this invoice must be provided with your invoice to allow payment and allow title to pass to ourselves.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

As you may be aware, BMW have recently launched some bespoke support terms for SME Customers. These represent a good opportunity for SME customers, where they don’t have a National End User Agreement in place with BMW. They are available to customers purchasing between 3 – 9 cars p.a. Indicative terms are attached to this communication for reference.

In order to qualify for the terms, the customer must be approved by BMW prior to any orders being placed. These terms should not be applied to any quotes until the customer has been approved by BMW.

To obtain terms, please complete the attached terms request form and send to your RDM.

It will take up to 48 hours for BMW to confirm and produce the terms agreement. Your RDM will confirm once these have been actioned.

If you have any questions regarding this, please speak to your Regional Development Manager.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

All customers referred for manual review by our underwriting team, with a non-statutory director, will be referred back to request a statutory director (as listed at Companies House) is added.

If the applicant firm confirms they require a delegated authority route, we will require the attached Letter of Authority to be completed and signed along with a copy of their UK passport or driving license.

This process can also be found on our microsite.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please see attached an urgent communication from BMW Group regarding the ordering process for vehicles from 1st January 2023.

Companies not registered will be unable to order BMW Group vehicles, and orders not placed via the Ebbon Dacs system will be cancelled.

There is a cost associated with the set up and ordering process, but this is discounted for all set up forms completed and received by Ebbon Dacs by 9th December 2022.

This process will enable more transparency within the network of available stock and help drive efficiency and is a requirement for all orders regardless of funding partner.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact Ebbon Dacs in the first instance or alternatively please contact your Regional Development Manager.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Partner,

As you will be aware, we have a responsibility to assess whether a financial product is affordable for a customer. Affordability should be discussed at the time of sale and consideration should be given to any known changes that might impact a customer’s ability to meet their payments in future. We require you to capture sufficient information to allow us to complete this assessment.

As a reminder:

You must not suggest or state, expressly or by implication, that credit is available regardless of the customer’s financial circumstances or status.

You must discuss affordability with the customer and the need for the customer to carefully consider their ability to meet the repayments, over the lifetime of the agreement, without undue difficulty. For example,

  • Can the repayments be made on time while meeting other reasonable commitments or without having to borrow to meet the repayments?
  • Can payments be made from income without having to realise security or assets?  Which may include future changes to their health and income, such as approaching retirement, planned maternity leave, or attaining a professional qualification. Also, changes to expenditure such as moving to a larger house or starting to pay school fees.

We will complete an affordability assessment and check credit history using the information provided to us by you.

What to do if the customer does indicate an upcoming change of circumstance?

If a customer indicates to you that they have a foreseeable change that may affect their application, in addition to confirming on the ‘Privacy Policy’ screen, you must put full details of the disclosed change in ICON for the Underwriting team to complete a proper assessment. You must then notify the Underwriting team of this at SMECreditManagement@alphabet.co.uk so they are aware of the note and can consider it whilst completing the credit review.

As a reminder this email is to be regarded as part of our Operating Procedures as detailed in your terms of business. If you have any questions regarding this communication, please speak to your Alphabet Regional/Development Manager.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We are pleased to announce a change in the ordering process of Polestar vehicles.

As you will be aware up until this point Polestar were only accepting order requests directly from Alphabet. We can now confirm that from today, these orders can be placed directly with Polestar.

Please see Polestar contact below for any quote and ordering enquires:

Molly Kelly


For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on

0370 5050 183 or e-mail alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Partner / Retailer,

As you know we are constantly reviewing and updating our processes and agreements. In doing so, we have identified an issue with the customer journey which means we are no longer able to accommodate electronically signed agreements that require a guarantor.

Moving forward, you will notice that if the proposal has been accepted with an indemnity (guarantor), a new guarantor form box will appear – there will be no functionality to e-sign the documents following the credit acceptance. 

This change will be made in ICON imminently - please see the screen shot below as to how the screen will be presented:

Dear Alphabet Partner,

You may have noticed an increase in vehicles not being quotable in icon. This can be for a number of reasons, however the recent surge is due to OEM order banks closing, price increases and discount reductions.

You currently email your RDM or the Partner Support team requesting for such vehicles to be switched back on. Going forward may we please ask that you email all requests to the support teamalphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk and CC in your RDM. If this is requested before 4pm that day then we will aim to have this Live in icon by the following morning. This is subject to the data and residual values being available.

Please submit your requests with the following details



Model Year:

Reason for set live: i.e re-quote, pre-ordered stock.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

As of 1st April 2022 all proposal documentation will need to be uploaded into icon, including any subsequent appeals and cannot be sent to us via email attachments.

This is to ensure that the archiving and retention of customer data is consistent and in line with the BMW Group policy.

Any sensitive documentation that the end customer doesn’t want our Partners to be privy to will need to be password protected and uploaded into icon. Please then make your RDM aware and email them the password to send onto our credit team.

For decline appeals, please continue to email your RDM to notify them you have uploaded the relevant documentation into icon. They will then review the documentation and if they feel this is strong enough, they will appeal with Underwriting.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We have pulled together some top tips to help you with document requirements.

As you know Alphabet’s preference is for customers to go through the e-sign process, however where this is not possible the bypass process can be followed.

Top Tips – ID documents

  • Check they are in date – expired ID won’t be accepted.
  • Provide colour copies wherever possible and include the back of driving licence.
  • Ensure they are clear  and all information can be read
  • Passports – ensure they are signed and include the signature page

Top Tips POA

  • They must be dated within 90 days.
  • Please refer to our list of accepted documents, if it’s not listed it won’t be accepted.
  • Statements must show account number, sort code, customer name and address, and the financial institution it is from.
  • Utility bills must show customer number/account number, customer name, address and the service provider
  • All POA documents must be for the address on the application

As a reminder Alphabet documents list is shown below:

List 1 Acceptable Proofs of IdentityList 2 Acceptable Proofs of Address:

  • Passport - signed
  • UK Photo Card Driving Licence
  • National Identity Card
  • HM Forces ID card
  • Firearms Certificate or Shotgun Licence
  • Identity card issued by the Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland

These documents must show the customer’s current residential address and be dated within 90 days.

  • Council tax bill/statement must be relevant to the customers residential address
  • Utility bill (electric, gas, water, landline telephone, broadband) issued by a UK regulated provider - must be for service provision to the customers residential address
  • Bank Statement – can be either branch or internet produced. (The statement must show the account name, sort code, account number and account holders address) must not be a business account
  • Mortgage statement - must be relevant for the customers residential address.
  • Entitlement to state or local authority-funded benefit (including housing and council tax benefit), tax credit, pension, educational or other grant

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please be aware that from the 24 January 2022 icon will no longer be supporting Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.

Google Chrome is the recommended browser for icon.

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We are pleased to share with you that we now have the Early Termination request form online and is Live to start using today!

You will find this on Alphabet’s website, please see the below link:


You can choose whether to use your own email address or the customers. The quotation will be sent to which ever email address is added.

We ask that all requests are sent via this avenue and any that are emailed to the Support team or your RDM will be directed to the website.

If you have any questions or queries please contact the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

If you have any questions please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on 0370 5050 183 or e-mail alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please remember that our acceptance validity is limited to 90 days! 

If E-sign has to be bypassed for the customer to sign and our Documents team notice that the agreement was signed 90 days after the approval, you will need to start the process again and re-propose the customer.

Please see below a reminder of our Expiry dates:

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please see attached information on how to propose a business with a foreign based director.

On the second page you will also see information on how to request bypassing the E-sign in these scenarios.

The second attachment is the letter of authority template which we require to be used.

All of this information can be found on our microsite but please contact your RDM if you have any questions or queries.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

As ever, to help improve the chance of your customer going through the e-sign process it is vital that the data is entered correctly.  As a reminder, the forename, middle name and surname should be input as it appears on the customer’s driving licence or passport.


Please also take care to ensure the correct email address is input as this is critical to the customer receiving the links and cannot be amended at a later stage.

If after resending the email if the customer is still unable to access the e-sign process then a bypass can be requested in the usual way.  

Please note, you must always attempt to resend the email if the first one is not received as the e-sign process is our preferred process. Sales Operations will not process a bypass unless the email has been resent.

If the customer fails E-ID, KBA Fails or KBA Thin file you will be unable to resend the link and message will be shown to advise that you need to request a bypass in the usual way.

If you have any questions please contact your RDM or the Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

As you know Alphabet is constantly striving to improve its systems and processes, with this in mind we are delighted to inform you that we have now developed the ability to enable the e-sign link to be resent to customers, by you for a second time.

This facility can be used in the following circumstances:

  • The initial email was not received
  • The customer has deleted the email
  • The link has expired
  • E-ID has passed and the customer has initiated, but not completed the e-sign

A pull button has been placed in the ‘with Alphabet’ section once you have ‘initiated document’ to commence the e-sign process to enable the option to resend the email. 

If your customer refers back to you relating to one of the above reasons, you simply need to press the ‘pull’ button and the action will move back to the ‘Requires Action’ fields.

Dear Alphabet Partner,

When requesting an early termination or reschedule quotation it is important that all of the required information is sent to the team, so they can provide you with a quote. 

Please can we ask that the attached templates are used and sent directly to the relevant teams. 

Early Termination quote- calculations@alphabet.co.uk

Reschedule quotation (mileage or term amendment) - accepted.reschedules@alphabet.co.uk

For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on 0370 5050 183 or e-mail alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We have launched a new time saving process for MHA customers with Credit Lines. This will include any MHA customer with an approved credit line (credit lines are only required for total orders over £300k and are calculated on the total OTR price).

There is no need to propose the customers anymore, you simply quote in icon and our dedicated support team will produce the order schedule for you.

The Process

  • Email the quote numbers into MHAschedules@alphabet.co.uk(expired quote numbers cannot be used). For batches of the same quote we will only require one, and the number of units required.
  • The team will confirm that credit is available, produce the order schedules and email these to you.
  • Once the customer has signed, return to MHAschedules@alphabet.co.uk with an estimated delivery date (These must be returned within 90 days of the quote).
  • Send delivery paperwork to the MHA inbox as soon as available (Vehicle invoice, AFRL, delivery note) so Alphabet can set the agreement live.

The dealer and commissions invoices will be paid within our normal time frames.

If you have any questions on a customer’s credit, please contact your RDM.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

You may recall we have sent multiple communications in the past as a reminder of our rule around quoting pre-registered vehicles:

As part of our Operational Procedures (which you can find on the Microsite), the vehicle MUST be delivered within 90 days of the registration date without exception.

Please ensure that this takes into account any cooling off period or customer delays with signing documentation. 

Further to this, we would like to make you aware that electric vehicles with a Government Grant are exempt from our 90 day pre-reg offering. This is due to the grant being non-removable in icon.

Please note over typing the OTRP does not exclude the grant.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact your RDM in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

As part of our ongoing review and improvement of our systems and processes we have highlighted some changes to the above and how our partners can assist us to manage this facility efficiently.

“Agency” and or “Direct Sale” has become increasingly common. It allows OEMs to debit monies directly from Alphabet which enables them to control pricing and distribution. However it opens us to the risk of paying for units with potentially no end customer.

In line with our Operational Procedures: We ask all our Partners to understand and adhere to the following when transacting on agency through our funding facility please:

  • All vehicles to be registered no more than 24 hours before delivery wherever possible
  • All details and terms/conditions to be confirmed with the supplying dealer on your purchase order
  • Under no circumstance should a retailer register a vehicle/s to Alphabet in advance of a delivery to achieve any target related incentives
  • If the order is cancelled after registration we will expect our Partner to advise Alphabet of the cancellation. We require our Partner to have a strategy in place in conjunction with the retailer concerned to re-sell the vehicle or arrange a full refund back to Alphabet for the cost of the vehicle at the earliest possible opportunity*
  • When ordering the vehicle with your retailer please ensure that they are aware that these conditions regarding Agency Transaction that are applicable with all Alphabet orders.
  • Alphabet will report on all Agency/DSP registrations and will advise all Partners which have any historic Agency registrations which are not ‘Live’ on our systems, we will expect Partners to prioritise any of these and ensure they are completed to ‘Live’ status

We are always looking at ways to improve our Proposition and we are very appreciative of your help and assistance with this facility, please contact your RDM for any further guidance 

*Alphabet reserve the right to invoice the Partner for the full cost of the vehicle or any associated losses incurred due to cancellation of the order, 90 days from registration

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Over recent years we have received requests for some Corporate Customers to have an exception to providing a POA when a wet sign is required. 

We have reviewed this process and wish to standardise it going forward. This means the previous list is now redundant and only customers which have followed the process below will be approved. 

The new process is to simply send an email as below with all the boxes completed and include the declaration. This will be checked, logged and your RDM will email confirmation of approval: 

Please email your RDM:

Title of the email is the Customer’s Full Company Name 

Customer Name: 

Company Registration Number: 

Name of Director: 

POID Uploaded? 

How long have you dealt with this customer? 

Has someone from your company met them? 

If yes when was the last time? 

What due diligence have you carried out on the customer?

Declaration:  In line with your Operation Procedures I can confirm the information entered above is correct. 

I can confirm that we have no knowledge of any information about this customer or Director which could be of concern to Alphabet. 

If you have any questions regarding this please speak to your RDM who will be happy to guide you. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team


Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please note the following instructions when quoting and proposing LCV Conversions:

  • CONVERSIONS: Please provide full written details of the conversion specification, the supplier and the conversion cost by email to alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk to enable a review of any Residual Value impact.
  • IMPORTANT: Please note that SMR budgets will cover the maintenance of the base vehicle but not the maintenance of the conversion equipment (e.g. Tail lift or Refrigerator units).
  • On the initial quotation, add the conversion as a Dealer Fitted Accessory (DFA) with a specific description and the full cost.
  • 4x4 Rear Load Bed Covers - Truckman Top & Hard Tonneau will benefit from an RV enhancement on request.
  • 4x4 Rear Load Bed Covers - Roller Cover & Load Bed Liner will not require an RV amendment.
  • (Racking does not affect the RV, therefore does not require review.)
  • All Panel Vans must be fully Ply-Lined – this is mandatory

N.B. Alphabet will not fund Light Commercial Vehicles in excess of 3.5 tonnes. The only exceptions being some Minibus Conversions based on base vehicle models that are available to quote on ICON.

For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on  0370 5050 183 or via e-mail at alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We are writing to inform you of a clarification of our operating procedures in relation to copies of the customer agreements. 

When transacting customer agreements via our E-Sign journey, you must send a copy of the completed agreement to the customer. Supplying the customer with a copy in a durable medium is a legal requirement. This completed copy is available for you to download and email to them, from the Output Document card in icon. Our Sales Operations team will shortly begin monitoring adherence to this.

When transacting via our physically (“wet signed”) signed process, we are aware that when uploading customer agreements, file sizes may cause issues in sending and uploading the entire document. To assist moving forward, you only need to upload the pages which contain the customer’s name, financial figures and signatures. You can upload the entire document if you have it still.

We remind you that as a regulated entity you must also hold your own copies of any completed customer agreements which you are involved in transacting.

Should you have any questions please speak to your Regional Development Manager.

Kind regards, 

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

You may recall we sent a communication in December as a reminder of our rule around quoting pre-registered vehicles:

  • The vehicle MUST be delivered within 90 days of the registration date without exception

Please ensure that this takes into account any cooling off period or customer delays with signing documentation. 

We have previously looked at applying RV amendments for units 91-180 days old. However these have caused billing delays which have impacted customers. For this reason we have taken the decision not to fund any vehicles delivered over 90 days from registration. 

If you have any questions regarding this please contact your RDM in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Tachographs (Tachos) monitor driver behaviours and it is a statutory requirement that they are fitted to certain commercial vehicles. This policy is in relation to minibuses is as follows:

  • Tachographs are manditory on all Mini Bus quotes.

Alphabet has a regulatory obligation to ensure that customers who opt to use Alphabet to fund their vehicle are treated fairly and not provided with misleading and unclear advice.  To meet this obligation Alphabet is rolling out a monitoring programme for the Partners it uses.  This will replace the questionnaire used previously. 

Each review, undertaken by the Alphabet Compliance Monitoring Team, will assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the systems and operational controls that are in place to enable Alphabet to gain assurance that customers are not disadvantaged and that fair outcomes are achieved. Where appropriate, Alphabet will take the opportunity to identify and recommend any best practice.

Across all our sales channels we charge the below as a standard pricing structure.

There will a Setup Fee of £250 + VAT for 1 vehicle and then £25 + VAT for every additional vehicle thereafter.

For more information, please visit our FAQ's and documents attached to the right-hand side of the page:

  • Novation request form
  • DPA non regulated form

Declaration for Ultimate Beneficial Ownership

Click to download (69.6 KB)Click to download (69.6 KB)


Here you will find updates and communications from your Alphabet Partner Team


The eSign platform will be unavailable between the hours of 07:00 and 09:00 on Saturday 17 February.

Scheduled maintenance is taking place in order is to enhance performance of the system and to ensure we continue to provide you with a reliable and secure environment. During this period, you will not be able to access the system, we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Password for eSign documents

It has come to our attention that some customers are unaware of where to locate the password they require in order to open their eSign documents.

The password will be issued to your customer via SMS text message, to the mobile number which was submitted within their credit application.

We would like to recommend that you inform your customers of where they can locate their password and remind them to check the mobile number in the credit application.  This will help to ensure this part of the process operates as efficiently as possible.

We appreciate your assistance with this matter.

Dear Alphabet Partner

The FCA’s Consumer Duty principle comes into force on 31 July 2023. The Consumer Duty provides clear standards of consumer protection across financial services and requires firms to empower and protect customers to achieve good outcomes. This means that we need to act in good faith towards our customers and avoid causing them foreseeable harm.

As part of the Products and Services, and Price and Value outcomes of Consumer Duty, we have created Target Market & Fair Value (TMFV) documents, which are attached to this email.

These documents are required to be sent to ‘distributors’ by the 30 April 2023 to help prepare you, and provide opportunity for feedback, ahead of the final Consumer Duty deadline of 31 July 2023.

What do you need to do?

Please distribute this document within your organisation, particularly to those that will need to be aware of the target market information for sales.

The obligations under Consumer Duty are for you to:

  • Understand the characteristics of the product.
  • Identify the intended distribution strategy.
  • Understand the identified target market.
  • Identify any sales that are not consistent with the target market, and set up regular reviews to check this.
  • Consider the needs, characteristics and objectives of any vulnerable customers.
  • Distribute the product in accordance with the needs, characteristics and objectives of the target market.
  • Factor in any other fees, charges or other distributor remuneration which may be paid within the distribution chain for this product, and which may impact the overall value of the product to the customer.

We have provided a short guidance document alongside the TMFVs to confirm this.

We have also included this information in a short 4 minute video which will be uploaded to the microsite within the month.

We would like to hear from you

We have set up a feedback form, which includes questions in relation to the TMFV and obligations.

It will take approximately 10 minutes of your time depending on the level of feedback you are providing.

The link to the questionnaire is: https://response.questback.com/alphabet/7fswqo604w  

Please revert to the questionnaire in the first instance. If you do not feel the questionnaire covers your questions, we do have a Consumer Duty email: consumer.duty@bmwfin.com.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards, 

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

We are seeing an increased number of customers who haven’t been advised correctly when it comes to peppercorn rentals and selling the vehicle to a third party, on an Alphabet Finance Lease agreement.

The balloon payment is due on the last day of the contract and the peppercorn rental the day after if proof of sale to a third party isn’t received.

The balloon payment is due at the end of contract even if the customer decides to enter the secondary rental phase (peppercorn rental). The peppercorn rental amount can be found on the customers signed agreement. This is a one-off payment invoiced annually until proof of sale is received.

By opting to go into peppercorn rental the customer will not delay paying the balloon payment.

We must receive proof of sale by the end of contract date at the latest to ensure that the customer will not enter peppercorn rental. The proof of sale may be provided as a sales invoice from the customer or as a purchase invoice from the third party.

Please note that the sale price must reflect fair market value.

In order for us to be able to settle an agreement either early or at the end of agreement, we must receive the sales invoice showing proof of sale to a third party.

The settlement amount can be paid by the customer via their usual direct debit or by BACs transfer, alternatively you as the broker may send us the funds via BACs or CHAPS payment. We will then raise an invoice for the 1% sales fees, this can be paid separately by the customer via their direct debit or added to the funds sent directly from the third party.

Please note if it is not the customer or you as the broker sending the funds then we must first carry out anti money laundering checks. Alphabet must be informed before any funds are sent so we may obtain the information needed to conduct these checks.

If we do not receive the sales invoice before the contract date end, the peppercorn rental will be invoiced to the customer and cannot be credited.

Once we have received the settlement/balloon funds we will terminate the agreement, remove the HPI and release the V5.

Please ensure all customers are aware of these timelines and that they are adhered to, to avoid any peppercorn rentals being invoiced if the customer does not wish to have continued use of the vehicle.

You may contact the team directly on the below details,  if you have any queries:

Team Contract Change

Phone 0370 0120 341

E-mail calcualtions@alphabet.co.uk

Or alternatively please contact your RDM to discuss further.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please see below our payment cut off dates over the Christmas period for all Partners and Retailers:

  • Thursday 22nd December instead of Friday 23rd December
  • Thursday 29th December instead of the Friday 30th December

All complete and correct document packs loaded into icon by Monday 19th December will ensure payment is made to you and the retailer before year end.

Anything that is set live and in the payment run on the 29th December will not be received until the New Year.

For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on

0370 5050 183 or e-mail alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

Please see attached an urgent communication from BMW Group regarding the ordering process for vehicles from 1st January 2023.

Companies not registered will be unable to order BMW Group vehicles, and orders not placed via the Ebbon Dacs system will be cancelled.

There is a cost associated with the set up and ordering process, but this is discounted for all set up forms completed and received by Ebbon Dacs by 9th December 2022.

This process will enable more transparency within the network of available stock and help drive efficiency and is a requirement for all orders regardless of funding partner.

If you have any questions regarding this please contact Ebbon Dacs in the first instance or alternatively please contact your Regional Development Manager.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please see information attached (below) around the October deadline for agreeing an implementation plan for Consumer duty, within your business.

For more information please contact your Partner RDM.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We have received a communication from Audi UK in relation to the above topic on the A4, A5 and Q7 models.

The implications for the A4 and A5 models are significant (+1% BIK and £335 VED) so we would encourage you to check your order bank and contact your supplying dealer.

Anything scheduled for build from the 04 April will be affected and will need to be re-quoted upon receipt of the new data. Alphabet are not in a position to absorb such increases.

The models of concern are below:

  • A4 Saloon, Avant and allroad 40 TDI quattro
  • A5 Sportback, Coupe and Cabriolet 40 TDI quattro

For more information please contact your RDM or the Alphabet Partner Support team.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We have seen two cases of VOI fraud in the last week so please be extra vigilant when checking driving licences.

There has been a sharp increase in the number of fraudulent applications using fake documentation and driving licences. In some instances customers are insisting on signing the documents onsite to avoid our eID process.

If you are suspicious of a customer or something just doesn’t feel right please contact your Regional Manager. By working together we can ensure that both our businesses are in the best position to protect each other.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Due to moving over to Experian there are a few important changes we need to highlight and ensure are carried out going forward.

  • If an application has been declined by our credit management team, please do not set this to NTU. Please just leave it at declined status.
  • When needing to run a credit swap, please check first with your RDM or the Support team if the swap is avoidable.
  • If the current proposal cannot be amended, please NTU the existing case that you don’t want first and then propose the new case.

 For more information please contact your RDM if you have any questions or queries.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

The switch over to Experian has now been running live for a week and running extremely well.

Your RDM should have already been in contact with you regarding cases where credit have requested additional information on, and are still sat in interconnect (Equifax). 

Please ensure we have this information back before the 25th June as by the end of the month, the two will no longer be running side by side and anything still in refer will be lost and have to be re-proposed.

We would also like to remind you that any credit appeals that require a copy of the customer’s credit file, that we now require a copy of their Experian report. 

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact your RDM

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

As you are all aware protecting vulnerable consumers is a key focus for both the FCA and Alphabet. 

To ensure vulnerable consumers are treated the same as any other consumer and receive fair treatment across firms and sectors we regulate, below is a link to short video reminding you of the importance of this.



Please also see Vulnerability guidance attached.

For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on 0370 5050 183 or e-mail alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Please be advised that we are currently in development to switch our credit reference agency from Equifax to Experian, with the transition taking place next month and the scorecard completely transitioned across by the 30th June.  

This positive move will enable Alphabet to provide more automation when submitting proposals in Icon.


Alphabet are taking great care and robust measures to ensure a continuity of service during this transition period. 

Proposals at “refer” that have been initially submitted through Equifax, will be finalized and completed in Equifax up until the 30th June, this will include proposals originally submitted in Equifax which are then re-submitted. 

Over the next few weeks we ask that you are vigilant on the following items: 

1. Please check all details of your proposal including vehicle price and specification prior to submitting, as creating a duplicate new quote / proposal after the transition point will count as an additional credit footprint for your customer.  

2. There may be situations that occur where re-proposals of previously accepted props through Equifax, decline through Experian - in these cases, a decline appeal will need to be completed subject to the usual Decline Appeal Process. 

We look forward to updating you during this time with further information including final dates of changeover. In the meantime should you have any questions relating to this change, contact your Regional Development Manager.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

It has been brought to our attention from our Customer Experience team, that they have been receiving a number of complaints from customers, where drivers have received a congestion charge fine for travelling through London in their electric vehicle. 

Electric vehicles are exempt from paying the congestion fee but they must be registered with Transport for London. Information around this can be found on their website.


They will require a copy of the V5 which the customer can request from our Vehicle Admin team by emailing vehicleadmin@alphabet.com

Can we please ask that when discussing the ordering of their electric vehicle or prior to taking delivery that the customer is made aware of this and that it is their responsibility as the driver of the vehicle, to register it for roads/tolls they require to use.

For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team on 0370 5050 183 or e-mail alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

Due to import legislation relating to the recent Brexit deal, we have found that vehicles sourced from and registered on the UK mainland are subject to import duties if being delivered to Northern Ireland.

Therefore we recommend that you source a unit within the province for end users living in NI, as we cannot authorise delivery of mainland sourced vehicles to NI at this time.

We would also recommend that all retailers’ discounts are confirmed with each specific retailer, prior to quotation for any customers in Northern Ireland. These may be different to the standard Alphabet system discounts and therefore could result in an incorrect quotation.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to your customers and will update you of any progress on the issue.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner

One of the most important aspects to leasing a vehicle is being able to contact the correct department to assist you with your needs.

We would therefore like to remind you of the contact details for the Alphabet Driver Line, should a customer require any of the following assistance:

Contact number:  0370 0120 301 selecting option

Breakdown assistance (24hrs a day) Vehicle has been involved in an accident or your vehicle has been stolen Windscreen repair or replacement Tyre repair or replacement Book in for service, maintenance or repair Quote for a new vehicle or track a vehicle on order To arrange a short term Rental If you would like to take your vehicle abroad If you would like to arrange for your vehicle to be collected For all other enquiries 

For more information please contact the Alphabet Partner Team via email at alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk or on 0370 5050 183.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

Dear Alphabet Partner,

We have sent you an Alphabet Contact guide where you will find contact details for various departments within our business.

Whilst your Regional Manager and the Partner Support team are at hand to assist in answering any queries you have,  we recognise that at times it may be more practical for you to speak with the relevant team directly and as a result, achieve a resolution quicker.

Please note - The contact details in the top three rows, where it clearly states Partner Facing Only must not be passed onto customers. If they wish to speak with any of the remaining teams below, then you’re more than welcome to share this information with them.

If you have any questions on this, please contact either your Regional Manager or the Alphabet Partner Team via email at alphabetpartner@alphabet.co.uk or on 0370 5050 183.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,

Alphabet Partner Team

A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) issued to the registered keeper of a vehicle due to a parking violation on private land - where a contract between the driver and a private landlord or parking agency has been breached, such as parking in an area which is restricted or overstaying the time allowed for parking. 

The authorities issuing the PCN will contact the address details that we at Alphabet provide to them directly, providing our customers the opportunity to appeal or pay or the notice directly with the issuing authority at the reduced rate of the fine (usually within 14 days).

Therefore it is imperative that we hold the correct address details for the drivers of your vehicles to ensure private parking charges are dealt with promptly and efficiently.

In addition to this change, we have also reviewed our administration fees for those situations where Alphabet have to pay a private parking fine on behalf of a customer and recharge it – known as a ‘Pay and Recharge’. This is for where an issuing authority has contacted the address details that we provide to them but does not receive a response (in terms of either appeal or payment) and so has to escalate the PCN.

The administration fees for Private Parking Charge Notices are as follows:

  • Regulated CH, PCH, FL Unregulated: £12 + VAT for fines where Alphabet have transferred liability to the individual incurring the PCN
  • Regulated CH, PCH, FL Unregulated: £12 + VAT for all fines in which Alphabet have to pay the PCN and recharge it (‘Pay and Recharge’)
  • Unregulated CH: £25 + VAT  for fines where Alphabet have transferred liability to the individual incurring the PCN
  • Unregulated CH: £25 + VAT for all fines in which Alphabet have to pay the PCN and recharge it (‘Pay and Recharge’)

Dear Partners,

**IMPORTANT** "GO BLUE" - When Using Own Discount.

For many of our Partners the practice of utilising your own negotiated discount levels is an everyday activity.

To ensure that this is done correctly and to prevent the chances of “Double Dipping” discounts, which can lead to a financial shortfall, we would like to remind Partners of the correct method when using ICON.

Whenever amending figures to use discounts for a model that are not Alphabet’s standard terms as displayed on ICON’s “Cost Breakdown” tab, you must click on the yellow banner that reads “Includes Alphabet discount. Remove and add my own?”. (See image 1 below.)

You can then overtype in the “Additional Dealer Discount”, “Dealer Discount” or the “On the Road” figure knowing that all Alphabet terms are removed. The banner will then go blue, (see image 2 below) confirming that any Alphabet discounts or manufacturer bonuses are removed and cannot be claimed by Alphabet.

Simply adding to the “Additional Dealer Discount” field will not necessarily remove any retrospective discount or bonus that Alphabet may be entitled to claim. Any such claims that Alphabet are unable to recoup as a result of not following the correct procedure as explained above, will result in the Partner being responsible for the shortfall.

It is also important to know that even if the OTR is the same as Alphabet’s OTR, any difference in the discount % may also mean that retrospective rebates are not available to Alphabet, therefore meaning a shortfall. We cannot accept dealers offering the same overall discount but via splitting this between their own and manufacturer support. (This would negate us claiming any support we are due). It is therefore important that when using any differing discounts to Alphabet standard discounts, the “Includes Alphabet discount. Remove and add my own?” process is followed.

Please remember that when adding or amending discounts in any way to “GO BLUE”.

If you have any questions or require further clarity on this, please contact your RDM.

Alphabet Partner Team

Tel: 0370 5050 183

Process Simplification

We continually review processes to ensure simplification and compliance.  I am pleased to advise following feedback, we shall remove the mandatory requirement to provide a letter of authority before a car is handed over to a customer. 

I would like to remind all partners that under the Alphabet Partner Terms of Business, it is your responsibility to ensure the asset is delivered to the customer. Our vehicle handover document must be completed to a high standard. You may also wish to continue to obtain a letter of authority if you feel handing over to a different person to the one signing the agreements presents a risk.

Please find full details below.

Information Required - Vehicle Handover Document

It is important you provide Alphabet with a handover note to contain the following minimum requirements:

  • Delivery Address and Date
  • Customer Signature
  • Customer Printed Name
  • View and Check ID. Record ID number (to ensure it is a true likeness of person taking vehicle)
  • Delivery Mileage
  • Vehicle Condition

All items must be clear and legible; we will not accept any handover notes without this basic information. 

NB: Not providing a clear and comprehensive vehicle handover form may result in delays for payment of the vehicle.

Current Delivery Process

At present we request the delivery be to the person / company named on the agreement and at the address on the proposal.  

Where this is not the case, we would expect to see a letter of authority along with a proof of identity, confirming the correct individual has accepted the vehicle. 

We have found this can cause delays in document processing where we need to clarify or confirm this information.

New Delivery Process

Moving forwards we consider that by taking all the required steps to ensure a correctly completed handover you will take the responsible steps to prevent and protect from fraudulent activity.

Going forward, should you choose to deliver to different nominated contacts or to different addresses without obtaining a letter of authority, we will process the paperwork as normal without clarification from you (providing the vehicle handover form is completed correctly in line with the above).  Any letter of authority should be dated before vehicle handover. If the letter of authority isn’t uploaded with the documents, we will assume that you have confirmed delivery and will process the documents without seeking further clarification to avoid delays.

Please be aware, if you choose to do this the risk is entirely yours.  If subsequently we find that the vehicle was not successfully delivered to the customer at the proposal address or intercepted on delivery, any costs resulting from the loss of the vehicle will be your responsibility under the terms of your Alphabet Partner Terms of Business agreement and we will look to be reimbursed immediately.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact your RDM.