Man with glasses in the drivers seat

Driver Services

  • Overview
  • Returning your vehicle
  • Maintenance
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My Alphabet

Login to your personal area

Use your personal access code to select a new lease car based on the agreements your employer has made with Alphabet. You can calculate and compare as many cars as you wish. You also have real-time information about your lease contract.

Go to My Alphabet


Do you have a breakdown, a non-drivable damage or other emergency at home or abroad? Find a safe place immediately, before calling Alphabet Assistance on (076) 5 711 711.

Call us +31 (0)76 5 711 711


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Returning your vehicle

Returning your vehicle in 4 steps

NB; if you drive a business lease car and your employer has specific agreements about returning your lease car, it is important that you adhere to these agreements.


You will automatically receive a message from Alphabet for maintenance if we know your e-mail address and current mileage. We also refer you to the right service partner.

Did you not receive a message, but does your car indicate that service is required? Please contact our Driverdesk to find out which service partner you can contact. Telephone number: (076) 579 30 00

Do you drive a BMW/MINI or electric car? Then you can contact the brand dealer directly for maintenance.