Legal Disclaimer Alphabet

By gaining access to this website of Alphabet Luxembourg SA (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Alphabet') as well as the materials and data contained therein, you declare that you have taken note of the following conditions, to understand them, to agree and to be bound by it. The same applies to websites of other companies in BMW AG (hereinafter jointly referred to as 'the BMW companies') to which reference is made or for which there is a link.

This website serves general information provision regarding (financial) products and services of Alphabet. Users are informed that information on referenced sites or for which a link is present is not examined or analyzed by Alphabet. No express or implied warranty or statement is given regarding the accuracy or completeness of this information in relation to quotations, calculations of the costs of lease amounts or other calculations and any liability for errors or omissions herein is expressly rejected.

Alphabet and the BMW companies are not responsible for the content of any other internet sites that have a link with a site. A link to another site is intended solely for the convenience of the user and does not mean that Alphabet or the BMW companies endorse and / or approve this site or any products or services described therein. Obtaining access to and using other internet sites linked to this site takes place at your own risk; Alphabet and the BMW companies do not accept any obligation or liability in this regard. Alphabet reserves the right to terminate any link or related program at any time.

All information on this site, including but not limited to graphic material, text and links to other sites, is provided 'in the current state' and is subject to change without notice. To the extent that this is possible under applicable law, this information is provided without any express or implied warranty, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of any right and free from computer viruses or similar things that lead to unusability. Alphabet provides no guarantee for the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of this website.

The content of this site is protected by copyright and the further protection of intellecutional property. All proprietary rights relating to pages, content and ranking are vested in Alphabet or its licensors. Users are not permitted to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, publish, sell, license, edit or reuse on other sites, or derive derivative works from the site. generate or use for any purpose other than that for which this site is intended, namely providing information about Alphabet.

The ownership of trademarks, service marks and logos ('brands') appearing on this site and / or on any other website of BMW companies rests with those BMW companies. Users are not permitted to use these brands without the prior written permission of Alphabet or the relevant BMW company.

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Disclaimer Fleet Agent

Free quotation

However, Alphabet does not guarantee the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of this non-binding offer. Although Alphabet tries to ensure that the quotation is correct and accurate, Alphabet can not guarantee this correctness and accuracy and Alphabet can not prevent that unauthorized third parties add, delete or change information. Alphabet explicitly rejects any liability for errors or omissions that occur in the free offer.

Price quotes made in the free quote are the result of the data you have entered. Such quotations do not oblige Alphabet to do anything. Alphabet is only bound by the agreement it has concluded with its client.

Alphabet explicitly rejects any liability arising from non-performance of an agreement, tort, risk liability or any other legal basis, for all direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages arising from or in any way connected with the make use of the free quote.

Your password is unique to your account and ensures that it is protected against unauthorized use. Alphabet is not responsible for lost, stolen or otherwise known passwords.


Alphabet Luxembourg S.A.

2-4 Rue du Château d’Eau , L-3364 Leudelange

Legal representatives: Erik Swerts and Joachim Haro

Commercial Registry: RCS B40471, Autorisation d’etablissement N°00115234/2.

Value-added tax identification no.: LU 153104.24


Tel. 00352 25 00 09 300