European Fleet Emission Monitor 2024: Report
Fleet Manager Survey: Insights and Perspectives
Discover our 2024 research report
The European Union’s (EU) Green Deal has established a definitive trajectory towards achieving climate neutrality by the year 2050, setting forth fresh obligations for businesses. From January 2024, with a firm deadline by 2026, enterprises will be required to publicly report their sustainability efforts and implement reductions in their CO2 emissions, depending on their number of employees. For companies to thrive under these new regulations, it is imperative that they swiftly adopt and integrate strategies to transition to environmentally sustainable fleet operations.
Alphabet is keen to assess the advancement of companies on their “Road to Sustainability”. The question arises: are these companies adequately equipped to calculate the carbon footprint of their fleets and make data-driven decisions to methodically decrease their emissions over time? That is why we have once again reached out to fleet managers both within the EU and in non-EU countries like Switzerland and the UK to understand their approach to sustainable practices.
In the latest edition of the European Fleet Emission Monitor (EFEM) by Alphabet, insights from over 1,000 fleet managers across 12 countries and multiple sectors have been collected. The results underscore the significance of sustainability in managing fleets. However, as companies strive to put these principles into practice, a wave of disillusionment is appearing. They encounter a range of obstacles hindering their progress towards cutting CO2 emissions, from the complexities of digital transformation and precise emission tracking to the establishment of environmental goals and ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
"Recognising the tight time frame companies face, the EFEM stands as a strategic touchstone. It is designed to help companies in navigating the complex landscape of sustainable fleet management in Europe by identifying key challenges and presenting opportunities for innovation and improvement."
Markus Deusing, CEO
Alphabet International
Turning ambition into action: implementing sustainable corporate fleets in Europe
The survey indicates varied priorities regarding sustainability: 46%* consider it a crucial factor in corporate decision making (a decrease from 51% in 2023), while 41% acknowledge its importance but do not always prioritise it (38% in 2023).
When looking at fleet management however, sustainability continues to climb the corporate agenda, with 64% of European companies citing the development of a sustainable vehicle fleet as a strategic priority – a slight increase from the 61% reported in 2023.
Despite a growing interest in sustainability, it is surprising to note that over half of fleet managers (56%) do not consider the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as a major incentive to improve their sustainability measures, particularly in terms of collecting CO2 emission data.

Regional perspectives on fleet sustainability:
Navigating the path towards sustainability
Despite a common desire to address climate concerns, many companies are still figuring out how to begin their journey towards sustainability. The evidence shows that there’s some hesitation to put in place solid steps to cut down CO2 emissions. Only a little more than half of the companies (52%) have set specific sustainability goals, indicating that there’s work to be done in moving from good intentions to real-world action (51% in 2023).
Nearly 4 in 10 companies are getting ready to launch their sustainability goals by the next five years, showing real commitment to change. At the same time, a smaller group, about 1 in 7, are planning even further out, giving themselves more than six years to meet their objectives. Yet, 43% of businesses in Europe haven’t set any targets at all, a minor improvement from 44% in the previous year. With EU regulations demanding reduced car emissions by 2025, these companies need to start making plans soon, or they could be left behind.

Seeking tools for making CO2 emissions transparent
A big hurdle to making progress is getting fleet management to go digital. This is important to measure CO2 properly and figure out how to lower it. But managing a fleet can be really tough and complex without the right technology. The survey found that 37% of businesses struggle to combine different digital tools in their everyday work. Also, a quarter of the companies find it hard to make sense of the data they collect.
Tracking emissions allows businesses to actively work towards meeting the CO2 targets set by the EU, helping to reduce their environmental footprint. As of now, 42% of the companies in the survey keep tabs on their fleet’s CO2 emissions, which is a small increase from the 37% recorded in 2023. Among those monitoring, 1 in 3 (35%) have successfully kept their fleet’s average emissions under 100g/km, a statistic that is nearly the same as last year’s. However, 44% of these companies still report emissions over 100g/km, although this figure has dropped by 6% since 2023.
On the other hand, around 22% of companies are still not able to report the specific CO2 emissions of their fleet, which is an increase of even 5% from 2023.

“Companies must be aware of their fleet's current CO2 emission levels to achieve ongoing reduction. Without this knowledge, they risk falling short of future EU regulatory standards.”

Markus Deusing
Alphabet International
Time is ticking: driving sustainable decisions with reliable data
When it comes to monitoring and analysing CO2 emissions, businesses employ diverse tools and strategies. As of now, only 31% of companies are using digital fleet management systems to handle this crucial responsibility.
“A dedicated tool for monitoring and calculating CO2 emissions empowers fleet managers to make sustainable decisions and to implement measures to reduce CO2 emissions.”
Markus Deusing
CEO Alphabet International

E-mobility: staying on track despite challenges
Despite the opportunity to significantly reduce CO2 emissions through e-mobility, still a surprising 44% of fleet managers feel inadequately informed to make the switch, however a modest dip from the previous year’s 51%. This hesitation is often due to the complexities of identifying which company cars can be feasibly converted to fully or partially electric, depending on specific use cases and employee needs. In such scenarios, the support of a partner specialising in e-mobility consulting can be crucial. They can provide bespoke advice and help develop a tailor-made strategy that best suits companies and employees, making the transition smoother and more effective.

Charging infrastructure continues to be a significant barrier in the transition to electric fleets for 1 in 3 fleet managers, mirroring the 36% who felt the same in 2023. Additionally, concerns over vehicle range have intensified, now troubling 41% of managers, marking a 4% rise since 2023.
Despite these challenges, a solid majority (62%) of European companies are steadfast in their plans to electrify their fleets. This commitment, however, has seen a slight decline of 7 percentage points from the previous year’s figures.
E-Mobility knowledge deficit by country:
Key findings
- Sustainability stands out as a top priority in European fleet management – of course, independent of any obligations stemming from the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
- However, it is rather surprising that for 56% of the respondents the CSRD has not influenced the importance of sustainability in their fleet planning, when considering that, at the same time, 44% of companies have average CO2 emissions in their fleet of over 100 g/km.
- Although digitalisation is key, numerous companies continue to struggle with implementing digital fleet management and data analysis.
- In a concerning trend, 22% of companies – a 5% increase since 2023 – can’t pinpoint their fleet’s CO2 emissions due to insufficient digitalisation.
- In an upbeat turn, only a third of companies have embraced digital tools to actively measure and manage their fleet’s CO2 emissions.
- Despite the roadblocks posed by charging infrastructure and electric vehicle range, a striking 62% of European companies are gearing up for a bold leap into the future, with plans to transition their fleets to fully electric.